8th June

Today two chicks fledged successfully from Box 1. The first left the nest at 8.11am whilst the second left at 12.25pm. The single parent has been seen with the chicks in a neighbouring garden feeding them from our feeders. However, the chicks have not stayed in our garden so we may not be able to catch them on camera, although we will try!

1st June

The young Blue Tits have been testing their wings in the nest today whilst the female is bringing in lots of food from our feeders and neighbouring gardens. The young birds are just about opening their eyes and in the next couple of days, this should be more apparent. It will probably be in the next week or so that these young birds grow up very quickly and fledge the nest. We all have our fingers crossed and hope they all fledge successfully.

30th May

Unfortunately there are only 3 chicks in the nest and there is only the female bringing in food. The male disappeared about a week ago and the female has been very busy feeding the chicks. However, she has not managed to keep feeding all of them so there are now only three which she has been regularly feeding with small insects, caterpillars and more commonly, fat from the fat balls hanging on the feeders.

21st May

There are currently seven healthy chicks in the nest. The two parents are busy in and out feeding them all of the day. The female does spend some time sitting on the nest when the temperature drops. There is still one egg in the nest that hasn’t hatched and it is unlikely to now.

18th May

At 5.05 this afternoon, the first egg hatched! The female was seen eating up the egg shell and then we saw the little chick as she moved off the nest cup. In the following minutes, we then saw the next egg hatch.

12th May

The female blue tit has been incubating the eggs for most of the day today. Checking back on the video footage recorded, she has been checking the eggs, rearranging them and keeping them covered up. However, she has left the nest for short periods in the day which has allowed us to get some good shots of all 8 eggs. Providing all goes well, we estimate hatching mid next week so keep looking at the website for more updates.

11th May

Eight Eggs are the final amount for Box 1. The female is now incubating the eggs whilst the male is kept busy feeding her with little grubs and caterpillars from the garden. However, they have not found our mealworm feeder unlike the sparrows and robins.

8th May

We are not sure if there are eight or nine eggs in the nest today due to the female not leaving the nest for very long. However, when she did, we could only see eight for definite but there could have been another one underneath. If eight is the final number, she may be properly incubating the eggs now.

6th May

Seven eggs can now be seen in the bird box. The female sits on the eggs for long periods in the day whilst the male continues to feed her small caterpillars and insects. The female does leave the nest but not for very long. When all the eggs are laid, the female will incubate the eggs all the time until they hatch.

3rd May

There are four eggs now visible in the Box. The Female is sitting on the eggs for some parts of the day whilst the male is feeding her, however, she will not fully incubate the eggs until they are all laid. We will keep you updated with as much news as possible

1st May

There are now two eggs in Bird Box 1. We will be keeping an eye out for more and will keep this diary page regularly updated now due to more activity in the box.

17th April

Again, the two Blue Tits have been around near the nest box and feeders, but never going in the box together. Over on the other side of the garden, two sparrows have been taking in nesting material into Box 3, the single sparrow box. It was around this time last year that the first egg was laid so we will keep waiting to see if anything happens!

14th April

Two Blue Tits have been seen around the nesting box today. One keeps bringing in nesting material to the box. The other usually waits outside, either on another box or on the camera cables! Last year, eggs were seen on the 20th April so we are getting near, so fingers crossed. We will add more to this diary very soon!